Evaluation Activities


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Lab using Volcano Scenarios: Hazard Maps and Communicating Risk part of Activities
This is a lab activity in which small groups of students work with maps, rocks, photographs of volcanic deposits, and textual data to construct a hazard map and a risk communication plan for a specific volcano. Each group is assigned a "volcano scenario," which is based on real volcanoes.

Place Attachment Inventory (PAI) part of Activities
This is an experimental psychometric instrument that measures an individual's attachment to specific or general places, by means of two dimensions: self-identification with a place, and the capacity of the place to support a person's activities or goals. The 12 items used in the PAI were devised, normed, and validated by Williams and Vaske (2003) and adapted for use in geoscience courses by Semken and Piburn (2004, 2005).

A Concept Mapping Assessment of Climate Change Concepts part of Activities
After a brief tutorial on hierarchical concept maps, we ask students in a course on planetary climate change to construct a hierarchical concept map about climate, prompted by several leading questions about climate, climate science, and climate change around which we (roughly) organize the course. We conduct this exercise at the beginning and end of the semester, score the concept maps (two scorers with results reconciled and averaged), and evaluate changes in the scores statistically.

Geological Map Problem part of Activities
This is a lab activity that is designed to help introductory, non-science majors integrate their geological knowledge near the end of the course. In this activity, students work in self-selected groups of up to four per group on the history of a sketch geological map.

Earthquake Analysis Paper part of Activities
This activity requires students to link what they have learned in class to current earthquakes around the world. They are required to analyze two different earthquakes, and then compare the two for similarities and differences.

Physical Weathering Concept Map Exercise part of Activities
Students review and score a concept map for physical weathering using a grading rubric. They are then asked to reorganize or redraw the diagram to a form that you believe is appropriate to earn the highest score on the rubric.

Force Concept Inventory part of Activities
The Force Concept Inventory (FCI) is a research-based multiple-choice test designed to assess student understanding of the most basic concepts in Newtonian physics.

Draw the outcrop part of Activities
Six to eight rock unit descriptions are provided in random order. Students must synthesize the rock descriptions, processes involved and relative time principles to draw a cross section for the outcrop.

Questionnaire to measure indicators for recruitment/retention in geoscience careers part of Activities
This partial survey contains generic items that can be used to evaluate indicators associated with enhanced likelihood of students remaining in the geosciences. This is a DRAFT document and has not yet been piloted or tested.

Minute Paper part of Activities