Gregor Novak

Initial Publication Date: March 12, 2009
Gregor Novak Photo

Disttinguished Scholar in Residence at United States Air Force Academy


Background Information

Gregor Novak is Distinguished Scholar in Residence at the United States Air Force Academy and Professor of Physics Emeritus at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis. His degree is in Mathematical Physics from Indiana University.

During the last eighteen years his research has been focused on issues related to pedagogy, curriculum development and the role of technology in teaching and learning, including web supported instruction and simulations and modeling. He is the co-developer of Just-in-Time Teaching pedagogy and is presently managing the JiTT digital library ( He is working on extending the JiTT pedagogy beyond warmups to more elaborately structured pre-class preparation.

His teaching related awards include the IUPUI Chancellors Award for Excellence in Teaching and the New York Academy of Sciences Willard Jacobs Award.