Initial Publication Date: February 23, 2017

Example Programs

1-Day Workshop Program


  • Provide any incoming demographic information about students (transfers? from STEM programs?) and post-graduation placement
  • For leader page: have department collect and provide demographics of your program and Institution. Optional: provide demographics for your program's field on regional and national level.
  • Individual: What do you think are the goals and values for your program? Prepare 1-2 sentences expressing what you think that is. Is it inclusive of the full range of opportunities for your graduates?

Introductory Session

Supporting the success of all students starts with a baseline of what your department/program is like and who your students are. We will work with materials prepared before the meeting (See Homework) and discuss your department members and culture. We help you to think about who your current students are and what students may not be there for a variety of reasons.

Who are our Students and what is our Community?

  • Analyze the the data from the homework
  • who are our students?
  • how is diversity represented in our program? (local, regional, national)

Supporting the Whole Student

A holistic approach to supporting students is fundamental to their learning and appears to be particularly important in helping minority students persist in STEM majors. Following the model of Jolly et al. (2004) we will explore the importance of supporting the whole student through developing a sense of community, developing students' motivation, and fostering students' academic success.

Supporting all Students

In this session we will explore practical strategies for fostering the success of all students, especially those underrepresented in STEM fields. Such strategies include building a sense of community, developing students' self-seeking behaviors, incorporating societal issues into courses, embedding authentic inquiry and research-like experiences in courses.

Some of the specific activities may include using "low context" practices, assess the process rather than the product, peer and faculty mentoring, developing a sense of community, addressing implicit bias, stereotype threat and micro-agressions, teaching practices, and self-regulation/metacognition.

Supporting Transitions: Bridging in and Launching Out

Our students come to us from many backgrounds and from many avenues. They have equally diverse goals and aspirations. In order to meaningfully support all of our students, we need to consciously be aware of who our students are, where they come from, and where they want to go. These include a focus on: first time in college; two-year institutions to four year; freshman introduction to majors and minors; undergraduate education to graduate and professional education; and to careers.

Action Plans & Next Steps

Individuals make plans for what they will do differently or something they will try. The action plan can be department based as well. In addition, participants will have a round table discussion about resources on their campus and how they can help (e.g. advising center, TRIO program, etc.).