The Job Search

The job search process can be daunting. The resources on these pages are designed to help you through this process, step by step. You may also want to get a copy of The Academic Job Search Handbook, an all-purpose book about the academic job search process. You can also read an excerpt from this book, published on the Tomorrow's Professor mailing list: Hiring from the Institution's Point of View.

Beginning your Search

You want a job in your area of specialty, at an institution where you will be comfortable and productive. How do you figure out what kind of job you want, find out what jobs are available, and choose which ones to apply for?

Assembling your Application Materials

For most academic positions, you'll need a curriculum vita (c.v.), a teaching statement, a statement of research interests, a list of references who will support your application, and a cover letter tailored to the advertised position. How do you write these?


Interviews may be at professional conferences, over the phone, or on site. How can you prepare yourself for the challenges of each type of interview?


Oh lucky day, you've got a job offer (or more than one). Now you need to negotiate salary, start-up funds, lab space, teaching duties, and perhaps a job for your spouse or partner. How do you get what you need, without creating tensions before you even start your new job?

Dual Career Couples

If you are half of a dual career couple, how can you manage your job search process to maximize your (plural) chances of landing two jobs in one place? At what point will you reveal your spouse's existence to a search committee?

International Scholars

If you are not a United States citizen, but you would like to stay in the U.S. as a faculty member, you will face several choices and challenges related to visas, immigration, and work permits.

Additional Considerations

If you are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender, if you are a person with a disability, should you reveal that information during your job search? If so, when? And how?

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