Initial Publication Date: October 22, 2013

Workshop Outcomes

The following collections of materials were submitted by faculty participants at the 2012 workshop, Programs That Bring Together Geoscience and Sustainability. The collections include detailed descriptions of participants' programs and essays about their experiences with their programs. See the workshop synthesis to learn more about the workshop.

Program Collection
In association with our May 2012 workshop, we asked participants to provide us with detailed descriptions of their programs. These have been organized into a browseable collection of program descriptions.

Essay Collection
In association with our May 2012 workshop, we asked participants to write essays about their experiences with their programs. These are presented in a browseable collection of essays. Each participant was asked to address these four points in their essay:

  • the overarching goal of your program (why it exists),
  • the strengths of the design of your program, including what you think is most valuable about it,
  • one or more of the challenges of implementing and running your program, and
  • a brief summary of how the program prepares students for their future careers.

Follow-on Products

Designing or Redesigning a Program to Integrate Geoscience and Societal Issues

There are many different models for integrating geoscience and societal issues at the program level. From setting program-level learning outcomes to selecting or designing courses to achieve those outcomes, it is helpful to learn from what other programs are doing. These pages are built around concepts that were generated in breakout groups at the workshop, and include materials drawn from InTeGrate and other educational projects at SERC.

Workshop Synthesis

Key ideas from the workshop are summarized in the workshop synthesis. This document focuses on several facets of sustainability programs: their strengths, what challenges they face, and what opportunities they offer.


Gosselin, David, C., Cathy Manduca, Tim Bralower, David Mogk (2013). Transforming the Teaching of Geoscience and Sustainability. Eos Transactions American Geophysical Union. Vol. 94, No. 25, p 221-222.