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How to Use Conceptual Models

Initial Publication Date: December 21, 2006

Conceptual Models are great to use when introducing a topic. Get students interactively involved with the creation, evaluation, and refinement of conceptual models. Ask questions that guide them in the development process.

Causal Loop diagrams are a great tool for developing and understanding conceptual models and are invaluable for extending conceptual models into mathematical models.

The negative feedback loop shown causes the coffee to migrate toward room temperture.
See also Feedback Loops

System Behavior and Causal Loop Diagrams This is Chapter 1 of the on-line resource System Dynamics Methods: A Quick Introduction ( This site may be offline. ) at Arizona State University. This reference provides a concise introduction to the utility of causal loop diagrams.

Guidelines for Drawing Causal Loop Diagrams (more info) by Daniel Kim provides a good overview of causal loop diagram construction. This reference assumes that you know what a causal loop diagram is.

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