Initial Publication Date: December 6, 2013
Case Studies of CAM in Action

University-level course on climate change: Climate Change: Science, Communication, and Solutions
As part of the CAM project, we have developed a cross-disciplinary course at the upper undergraduate and graduate levels entitled Climate Change: Science, Communication, and Solutions.The course seeks to provide students with the tools and knowledge that they need to develop their own well-informed view of climate change. Because climate change is both impacted by humans and will increasingly impact society, the course takes a cross-disciplinary approach, integrating science, policy solutions, and media literacy as they relate to climate change.
Learn about integrating student video production into your own climate change education work.
High school program on climate change science and media: YEP! (Youth Educating the Public!).
For middle and high school students, climate change is an issue that has always been present in their lives. During this five-week summer program for high school students, students were introduced to key concepts about climate change science, impacts, adaptation, and mitigation. The students then wrote, produced and edited a range of media projects, including a newscast, animation, music video, game show, and experimental film about the specific aspects of the issue that they wanted to communicate to the public. Their motivation and perspective on their work became clear when they named the program YEP! for Youth Educating the Public.