CAM Project Staff and Collaborators
The CAM Project leverages ongoing initiatives of three key partners, UMass Lowell's Climate Change Initiative, Media Arts Studio at Cambridge Educational Access TV, and TERC, to build an innovative climate change education program that reaches high school teachers and students and university students, as well as their broader communities. Online resources and evaluation are provided by our partners, SERC and Sage Fox Consulting Group, respectively.
The UMass Lowell Climate Change Initiative coordinates the broad and cross-cutting expertise and interest in the science and policy of climate change and clean energy at UMass Lowell. The Climate Change Initiative's mission is to raise the awareness and understanding of climate change science and solutions among UMass Lowell faculty, staff, and students, and the broader community they serve. The Initiative combines many of UMass Lowell's traditional strengths, including environmental science, atmospheric science, engineering, work environment, health, service learning, and others, and is currently developing new curriculum and academic programs in the areas of climate change science and policy.
The Cambridge Educational Access TV (CEATV) Media Arts Studio is a state-of-the-art facility of the Cambridge Public Schools (CPS). CEATV provides media art education programs and oversees programming and bulletin board services for two educational access cable channels, Smart TV98 and CPS TV99 and broadcasting to 44,000 households in Cambridge. CEATV is unique in its emphasis on programming with student-produced work.
TERC, an educational non-profit, based in Cambridge, MA, is internationally regarded for its educational innovations in science, math, engineering and technology. Led by a group of experienced forward-thinking math and science professionals, TERC is a non-profit independent research-based organization dedicated to engaging and inspiring all students through stimulating curricula and programs designed to develop the knowledge and skills they need to ask questions, solve problems, and expand their opportunities. With a staff of over 110, it has special expertise in Earth and space science education, featuring inquiry-based learning, Earth as a dynamic, integrated system, and extensive use of visualizations.
We invite you to join the CAM community!

Team members from left to right: Bob Gamache, Marian Grogan, Tamara Ledley, Angelica Allende Brisk, Juliette Rooney-Varga, Mathew Barlow, Sara Dunaj, Mitch Shuldman
Project leaders
Angelica Allende Brisk, CAM Project Co-Investigator, MA, Cambridge Media Arts Studio
Tamara Ledley, Ph.D., CAM Project Co-Investigator, Senior Scientist, TERC
Project team
UMass Lowell faculty:
Mathew Barlow, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Environmental, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences, UMass Lowell
Robert Gamache, Ph.D., Professor, Environmental, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences, UMass Lowell, and Dean of the UMass School of Marine Sciences
Craig Slatin, Sc.D., Professor, Community Health and Sustainability, UMass Lowell
Mitchell Shuldman, Ed. D., Director of the Media Center, UMass Lowell
Online Infrastructure and Website Assistance: The Science Education Resource Center (SERC)
Sean Fox, Technical Director, Science Education Resource Center, Carleton College
Cathy Manduca, Director, Science Education Resource Center, Carleton College
John McDaris, Web Content Developer, Science Education Resource Center, Carleton College
Kenneth Rath, Ph.D., CAM Project Evaluator, Sage Fox, Inc.
Project Consultants:
Rachel D'Erminio, graphic design
Randy Olson, film production workshops
Aaron Strong, guest lecturer
Sara Schley, systems thinking and organizational change
UMass Lowell student team members:
Elizabeth Adams, Masters student and NASA Summer Intern for YEP! program.
Devan Hawkins, undergraduate student, video editor, web design assistant, and NASA Summer Intern for YEP! program.
Cecelia Hunt, Masters student working on evaluating learning outcomes from simulation role playing games, such as World Climate.
Paul Yan, undergraduate student and NASA Summer Intern for YEP! program.